Thursday, 17 November 2011

After time and years, a Guru enters your life and transforms you into something you never thought you could be. Ankit Batra bhaiya is the one. Being with Ankit  Bhaiya, Our guru, at the yes plus course is one of the most blissful moments we can ever cherish. Yes, these are the days which will be the most memorable throughout life. He says, “Loving yourself is the prerequisite for loving others.  Celebrate your life and embrace it as it is. Remember, there are many who dreams to be like you, having all the goodness of life like you.”  The love and warmth by our Guru is beyond compare.
It’s well said “A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.” ~Horace Mann. Our Guru strung those broken strings and now life has got its lost rhythm. Like music, life too has its tempo. Just like, a slow or fast tempo destroys the beautiful music, similarly speeding too fast or too slow, steals the beauty of life. Never lose that rhythm. Just take a pause and count millions of blessings The Divine has bestowed upon us. We have our Gods Ma and Papa, brothers and sisters, friends and most of all, we can see, speak, hear and run. I remember, once I visited my ancestral village and met a boy, his dream was to run, as he was crippled.
We often waste our life worrying what people will think of us. Answer this question. How many times we think of others deeply? Ever thought before going to bed, who was the one, who got punished or who performed badly. Never, because we all have our own lives our own issues. So, Never be a puppet of others opinion.
Similarly, it’s important that, we must have pride in our country, culture, family and above all our selves because when we don’t, others overpower us. English men knew, India will be theirs if they destroyed our culture and education. In both of these, we helped them a lot and still helping. During 1930s they replaced yoga with physical training and we are continuing the same. You will be startled to know that, U.S.A. patented 196 yogasans which are in our Vedas for more than 5000 years. Now it’s U.S.A, which teaches Sudarshan Kriya and yogasans at schools and colleges while we feel ashamed to practice them.
Well, it’s all about developing a sense of belongingness, towards country, towards each other and towards oneself. Life has much to give, so let your hands free to catch it.
Jai Gurudev, May your Guru “the reformer” and Dev “the Divine child” are blessed.
Jyeshtha Maitrei, ECE IIIyr

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